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Organising Log Files
Organising Log Files

Preparing Log Files for Reporting

Updated over 6 months ago


  1. Download Log Files onto local storage

    1. Access the CERNO Internal Storage

    2. Copy relevant HEM folders to local storage

  2. Organise all Log Files into folders

    1. Create one folder per area walked on an individual site in each HEM folder

    2. Organise all log files from each HEM log folder into relevant area folders

  3. Compress each HEM folder into individual .zip files

Download Log Files onto Local Storage

Access the CERNO Internal Storage

  1. Power on the CERNO

  2. Connect to the CERNO Network

  3. Access the CERNO Internal Storage through Network Share, FTP, or the Cerno File Manager.

Copy Relevant Files onto Local Storage

  1. Access the 'logs' folder in the CERNO Internal Storage.

    1. Six HEM folders per CERNO Module used will be inside.

      1. These folders will be named "CERNO Module Number" + "HEM Number" + "HEM Name".

  2. Copy and paste all relevant HEM folders onto local storage.

    1. It is recommended to copy all files into a dedicated folder per site walked. In the case of the image below, the "Log Files" directory should be replaced with a "Site Name" directory.

Please note: Each log folder will contain a number of log files equivalent to the number of walk tests conducted. They each share the name set at the beginning of each walk test. These log files are further sorted in folders corresponding to the folders floorplans are organised in.

Organise Log Files into Folders

Create Area Folders

  • Create folders inside each HEM folder. One folder should be made per area walk tested.

    • Name the folders according to the area walked. Eg. Level 1, Level 2, Parking, etc.

Copy Log Files into Relevant Folders

  • Copy all Log Files into their relevant Area Folder. Log Files grouped into the same Area will appear on the same image in resultant reports. Ensure all Log Files grouped together share the same floorplan.

Please note: Ensure to keep log files using different floorplans in different folders. Area folders should correspond to a specific area using a singular floorplan.

Compress All Area Folders

  1. All area folders for a singular site and HEM can be grouped together and compressed into a singular .zip file.

  2. This .zip file can be subsequently named and identified after the site walked or project performed, alongside the relevant HEM number.

  3. Once the .zip file has been created, the log files are ready for upload to the Reporting Platform.

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