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CERNO Reporting
Updated over 6 months ago

After performing a walk test or drive test using a CERNO, recorded log files may be uploaded to the Ranlytics Dashboard to generate a personalised report. Ranlytics offer default report templates designed to work with any project; these templates can be customised at any time to suit your needs.

See: Editing Reporting Templates


  1. Access the Reporting Workbench

  2. Organise your Reports

    1. Create and/or Access a Relevant Site

    2. Create and/or Access a Relevant Project

  3. Create a New Report

    1. Upload Log Files

    2. Create and/or Select a Report Template

    3. Define Relevant Areas

    4. Assign Log Files to Relevant Areas

  4. Generate Report

Access the Reporting Workbench

  1. Access the Ranlytics Dashboard at, logging in using your username and password.

  2. Click on the Reporting Tab on the navigation bar on the left of the Dashboard.

  3. Click on Library.

You will be presented with the Sites page, complete with all existing sites and an 'Add Site' button at the top right.

Organising your Reports

Ranlytics Reports are organised in terms of Sites, and Projects.


Sites refer to the general location of a test and can be anything from individual buildings, campuses, or regions – wholly dependent on your organisational needs. Multiple projects can be included in each site, allowing for the definition of a site to be as broad or narrow as necessary.

  • Clicking 'Add Site' will prompt you to name a new site.

  • Upon creation of a new site, you will be prompted to create a new project within the site to begin report generation. Separate projects are typically used for separate visits to the same site.

    • At any subsequent point, the site will appear as a collapsed menu, clicking the up-arrow at the left of the site name will reveal all created projects.


Projects refer to a group of reports specific to a project within a site. It is recommended that projects are named uniquely to the purpose of their included reports such as the test requirements involved.

  • Clicking 'Add New Project' will prompt you to name a new project.

    • When creating any subsequent projects, click the three dots on the site to add new projects.

  • Upon creation of a new project, clicking the right arrow button on the project will take you to the Report Page.

  • Clicking 'New Report' will begin the Report Creation steps below.

Creating a New Report

Uploading Log Files

To download Log Files onto local storage and organise Log Files prior to upload,

  1. Upload Log Files to the Reporting Workbench

    1. Log files may be uploaded in the form of many individual QMDL files or as a singular ZIP file.

      1. QMDL files can have either the .qmdl or .qmdl.gz extensions.

      2. The reporting platform currently supports QMDL files created using:

        1. Ranlytics CERNO 3

        2. Ranlytics CERNO 4

        3. Ranlytics LURA

    2. An uploaded ZIP file may be no larger than 3GB and contain no more than 1000 QMDL files.

  2. Create a Report Name

Please note: The Reporting Workbench currently only supports the uploading of Log Files from a single HEM into a single report. These Log Files must all also be measuring the same technology, band, and operator.

Selecting a Report Template


  1. Select a pre-configured base template from the drop-down list.

    • The Ranlytics Dashboard comes pre-loaded with templates for general usage for all technologies. These templates universally include stats, area plots, and/or time plots for the following metrics:

      • RSRP/RSCP


      • Downlink and Uplink

      • PCI Serving Cell

  2. Create your own.

Defining Areas

Log files are organized by specific areas, which are predefined regions within a site that each correspond to the same floorplan (with each floorplan usually corresponding to different levels of a building).

Assigning Log Files to Areas

  1. Create areas indicative of each region walked in the uploaded log files.

  2. Click the "Select" button and select relevant log files for each area.

    1. All log files in an area must share the same test type (walk or drive), carrier, technology, and band to retrieve useful results.

  3. Click ‘Next’ when all log files are sufficiently organised.

Unassigning Log Files from Areas

Click on the check boxes of relevant log files and click "Remove Selected Log Files."

Please note: Assigning log files with different floorplans to the same area will result in queries where walk test coordinates will be incorrectly overlaid on top of the floorplan of the first log file assigned.

Tip: If you upload log files that are stored in folders as .zip files, the reporting platform will automatically create areas based on the highest directory folders within the .zip file. It is best practice to organise log files into Area Folders inside a singular .zip file prior to upload.

Report Generation

Simply click “Generate” and a report will be delivered to your email address shortly.

  • Clicking ‘Back to Reports’ will bring you back to your list of generated reports.

    • Here you can view and download all previous reports

    • You are also provided with status indicators for any reports that failed to generate.

See: Reporting Troubleshooting

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